
July 11, 2007 – Tok and Family

A little more about last night – we woke up after hearing this loud boom. After checking outside, we came to realize that it was the canon up at the Chicken Saloon. They shoot girl’s panties (you don’t want to know), every so often and since they had the party last night, it must have been one of those occasions. Here is a picture of Andy and me in the saloon from 2 days ago. Notice the shredded clothing hanging – yep, those are panties and bras that have made it out of the canon. Here is a picture of downtown Chicken – yes, that is all there is. The only other businesses are 2 campgrounds. It was well worth the visit.

So for today, we journeyed back to Tok to the Sourdough Campground and we met up with Bill (Andy’s brother and my brother in law) and Marcia (our sister in law). They just arrived in Alaska and will also be seeing this beautiful state.

We spent the day getting caught up with each other and having a grand time. And this evening, of course, was the entertainment. Floyd and Jeanie (singers) remembered us – isn’t that neat!!

We were also entertained by the owner, Ken – he is great!!

Before the Pancake Toss, Ken fired a pancake out of a pancake “gun” – it did not get very far. - :-)

And for the Pancake Toss:

Here is a picture of Bill – he didn’t get the pancake in the bucket.

A picture of Marcia – and she did get the pancake in the bucket (free breakfast).

And me – I got the first pancake in (free breakfast) and then I got the second pancake in the bucket (no prize – only one breakfast). When I started to walk away (you are only allowed 2 throws), Ken stopped me and told me to try again for free reindeer sausage and can you believe, I did it!!! Was I shocked!! So he told me that if I did it one more time, we would get a night of free hookups but I did not make it. Here I am after getting one in the bucket:

At the end, Floyd and Jeanie gave me one of their CD’s free – wasn’t that nice.

Here is the picture of the winners tonight (I am on the left, Marcia on the right!)

So if you are up this way, three of the Hitzels will be on the wall of fame – Andy on 7/7/7 and Marcia and I on 7/11/7 – Sorry, Bill!!

We hope to stay at this campground again on our way out of Alaska (all roads to and from Alaska go thru Tok.)

Miles Traveled: 78
Routes Traveled:
Alaska: AK-5 (Taylor Highway); AK-2 (ALCAN)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Uncle Andy and Aunt Diane,
Looks like you are having a great adventure in the North Country. I'm really enjoying the pictures. Happy Trails!