
May 21, 2007 – South Dakota and Wall Drug

Wall Drug is one place in this part of the country that just should not be missed. I know it is a tourist site but the place just fascinates us.

The story of Wall Drugs is that in 1931, Dorothy and Ted Hustead bought the only drugstore in town. By the summer of 1936, the business had not grown much. They had given the business five years trial time, but were still seeing a lot of cars going by without stopping. So on a hot July Sunday in 1936, Dorothy came up with a startling idea. Realizing that all the cars going by through the hot, dusty prairie would have thirsty folks inside, she proposed that they put signs on the highway telling people to come in for free ice water. And the idea worked. By the time, Ted got back to the store, it was overflowing with people.

They still give free ice water and the signs are all along I-90, just like those from the old Burma Shave billboards.

Free ice water!!!

I just had to ride the Jackalope!!!

Coming back, we stumbled upon more creatures:

Yesterday, we ran under a tree that took out our refrigerator vent on the roof of the MH. We picked up another vent but it did not fit so tomorrow we will be traveling again to return it. We also had another bad storm in the area that produced hail and snow. – WOW! I am so glad I am not in a tent. The advisory also told people driving on I-90 to get off and seek shelter. The winds were terrific. Thank God it did not last long.

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