
October 17 – 18, 2022 Dunes and Future

October 17, 2022  Part 2

After we left the lighthouse, we followed one of the back roads and ended up in the dunes area.  They are huge and beautiful and amazing.

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We watched a few ATVers go up and around.  OMG, one of them was a little girl on her own little ATV.  She looked like she was 5. And she was having fun!

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The road between the sets of dunes:

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We stopped at one pullout that said “Beach Access” and followed the path:

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These beaches are just beautiful:

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I could just listen to those waves forever:

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My Andy watching for ships or whales – I am not sure:

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I don’t know this person, just thought it was a cool picture:

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The dunes at the beach:

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Near each of the paths is a number that helps us remember where we parked the car.  You can easily get lost..

Lots and lots of driftwood:

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As we made our way back to the highway, we stopped for lunch at a little corner restaurant in Reedsport.  Great chowder!

The area where we saw the elk was only 5 miles away so off we went to see if they were there.  Bummer, no luck.

Heading back home, we checked out a couple of Days End sites and then relaxed at home.

What a great day! 

October 18, 2022

We had to take care of a few things this morning and make a few phone calls. 

As many of you know, I strongly DISLIKE making reservations far out cause then I feel that I lose the spontaneity of travel. But knowing today’s environment, I am now trying to set up a schedule on where we are going to be for the next week or so.

We only have one more reservation scheduled so this afternoon we figured which direction we are going and where to stay next (at least for the next two weeks).  We are also watching the weather to decided how we will be going south.

We finished the day having dinner at the Elks Lodge – Yum!

Tomorrow we are heading further south so stay tuned and enjoy today!




1 comment:

firstep said...

I am so with you and reliving our experiences vicariously!!