
May 25th, 2024 The Alcan and Bears

We woke to a beautiful morning and continued our journey on the Alcan!

We passed an area where there were two RVs camped and the river nearby.  Walking thru their site was a HUGE Grizzly Bear just meandering along.  OH MY! 

No, we did not stop but prayed that the campers stayed in their campers.

For miles we can see messages done in white rocks along the highway.  I honestly think they are done by tourists traveling this way since there is not much in the way of civilization - LOL!

The Alaskan Highway:

The views are breathtaking!

We saw this fence that went for miles - looks hand made and not sure how old or why?:

More views:


And another - he was HUGE!:

Teslin Lake:

We found our way to Teslin Lake Campground, settled in and went for a ride around the area.  The new Teslin Bridge:

Areas around the lake:

Our site:

We were here in 2009 - amazing!

Another great campfire night:

Tomorrow we are heading to Whitehorse for a couple days so stay tuned and enjoy today.

Stats for today:

Miles Traveled: 132 Miles

Routes Traveled:

Yukon:  YT-1 (Alaskan Highway)

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