
May 15th, 2024 Travel to Clinton and the RoadKill Cafe

We continued our journey north, following the Thompson River:

But we are now in the Valley:


Nice church in Spences Bridge:

Cows on the plateau:

Old Settlements:

The scenery just keeps changing:

Time to prepare the fields:

Dandelions everywhere:

Another interesting site:

Our destination tonight was the Gold Trail RV Park in Clinton, BC.  When we pulled in, both of us looked at each other and said "We were here before."  (Yep in 2009.)

We found Mike, the owner, and had a great time talking with him.  He has owned this campground for 25 years and wanted to know why it took us 15 years to come back.  What a hoot!

He also has this great little restaurant called "Roadkill Café".  Interesting signs all around.

We had their BBQ Ribs and they were outstanding!  Here is Mike and Anna:

Thank you Mike and Anna for the great time.  We may see you on the return trip.

If you are passing this way, I highly recommend.  The food is great and the campground prices can't be beat.

Stats for May 15th:

Miles Traveled: 73 Miles

Routes Traveled:

Canada - British Columbia: CA-1; BC-97

We continue north tomorrow so stay tuned and enjoy today.

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