
May 20th, 2024 - Meandering around British Columbia

On the road again....

After saying goodbyes to David, the owner, we headed north,

Oh my.. Moose Country!

Along the way we went up and down hills and mountains and around lakes and ponds:

Spring time in the valley:

Our view:

Neat barns:

Fields of flowers:

Mr. P.G. - a symbol of the forest industry in Prince George since 1960.  He is 26' tall:

Moving farm equipment to the next field:


Beautiful skies - we went thru rain then sun then rain for the whole trip:

Well then, we may need to see this:

We passed thru Vanderhoof which is the geological center of British Columbia:

The big three!:

We only saw a deer on this leg of the journey:

Beautiful white flowers:

This truly is beautiful country:

We made our way to Beaumont Provincial Park and set up.  It was cold and rainy most of the day so no campfire.

The campground is by Fraser Lake:

Ominous sky:

Our site:

Tomorrow we continue our journey west so stay tuned and enjoy today.

Stats for today:

Miles Traveled: 158 Miles
Routes Traveled:
British Columbia: PH-97; CA-16

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