
May 21st, 2024 - Still Meandering in British Columbia

We woke to beautiful blue skies and headed out.  This part of British Columbia is hilly and mountainous interspersed with farms and rivers and lakes and trees and logging and mostly small towns or what I call burgs (2 blocks one way and 2 blocks the other way and then you are out of town).

But the scenery is beautiful and if we had the time to explore, there is so much history on First Nations People and Explorers as well as those who came for the gold.

So this is mostly photos from the first part of our journey today.  (We had sun, then rain, then sun...ditto.)

And then as you are passing the forests and the farms, you come around the corner and BOOM! here are these gorgeous snow covered mountains (yes, I am amazed!):

We saw many of these signs on the Cow Moose.  Not sure of the issue???

Check out that cloud cover:

Nope!  Didn't see any wildlife today:

One of the things that has amazed us when we are in the mid-west and west is that you can see where it rains.  Now, where I live, you can see it raining but it is coming towards you - LOL!:

Climbing a hill/mountain thru the forest, reaching the top and seeing this as we cleared the trees:

We stopped right after this at Tyhee Provincial Park - right by Tyhee Lake.  This was our destination for today but.. it was 1130 and it was going to be raining so we decided to push on.

(Here is another side note - this may be long.  As many of you know, I do not like to plan/make reservations.  BUT, I will do preliminary planning on where we might stop, based on mileage traveled or things to see and do.  When we were in Quesnel, I did some prelim planning all the way to Watson Lake because I knew the last 400 or so miles of the trip, I would not have cell or internet.   I may plan a place but if they are full or cannot accommodate us.. I usually have one to two places after that or if all else fails, we can stay at a pull out or a rest area.  So back to the subject...  Tyhee was 130 miles from Beaumont.  I did not know how the road was going to be but it was great and we arrived early!  Our next stop was going to be a 2 day stop in Hazelton (things to see).  In between was a stop in Smithers for supplies because there will not be much when we head up the Cassier.

When we realized that if we stayed at Tyhee, it was going to rain all day, we decided to go further north.  I called Robert at Ksan CG about an opening and he said "come on in."  So away we went.

The view from the Safeway in Smithers - yes, I stocked up!:


I am hoping to see one!:

Interesting bridge - no signs, just yield...

We arrived at Ksan Campground in the rain.  We met Robert who I have talked to over the last two days on the campground and museum and village and he guided us into our site.

Hopefully tomorrow we will explore their museum, village and the pioneer village.  More information can be found here:

The rain finally stopped by 7 PM  - YEA!  Hopefully it will be sunny tomorrow.

FYI on Sunrise, Sunset:

Current Time:
2024-05-21 19:52:19
Sunrise Today:
05:08:15 AM
Sunset Today:
09:46:39 PM
Daylength Today:
16h 38m 24s
Sunrise Tomorrow:
05:06:50 AM
Sunset Tomorrow:
09:48:15 PM
Daylength Tomorrow:
16h 41m 25s

It is light a very long time!

Our spot in Ksan Campround:

Tomorrow we will be playing tourist so stay tuned and enjoy today.

Stats for today:

Miles Traveled: 191 Miles
Routes Traveled:
British Columbia: CA-16; BC-62


IdahoRV said...

Here's what I found about the moose sign: https://www.terracestandard.com/news/cow-moose-sign-project-founder-applauds-b-c-s-decision-to-protect-cow-moose-in-omineca-region-6067375

Diane said...

Thank Jan... Hope all is well.