
June 15th, 2024 Part Two - Whittier

Once we set up at the Whittier Campground and had lunch, we decided to drive around and check out the town.  

Sign on the outside of the building:

It is true that many of the residents of the town live in this building - Very interesting.

More information can be found here:


Tsunami Sirens:

We found a little road that took off into the hills and away we went:

Here is where it ended:

The end of the road - lots of folks just hanging out:

Heading back to town:

We headed back, pulled out our chairs and hung out.  

Our site:

Our neighbor on the left - Dianne - came over and we visited.  She and her husband are living in Wasilla and come here to fish.  At the end of the day she gave us some halibut - how wonderful!

After going in and hanging out, folks came in and parked next to us - where there is no site:

They did come over and introduce themselves - very nice couple but I still don't understand that closeness!

We will be here another day for exploring so stay tuned and enjoy today!

June 15th, 2024 Part One - The Alaskan Marine Highway

Traveling on the Alaskan Ferry was one of my bucket list items so when I checked out the cost from Valdez to Whittier, it was a go for us.  Last week I spoke to their Customer Service Representatives on what we needed to do.  We found out that we had to disconnect - so two separate vehicles.  We also found out that our mirrors do not retract, which meant we had to pay an extra fee because that put us at 10 feet wide.  So after figuring out all that, we made a reservation and today was that day.

We arrived at the station at 5 AM (YAWN!), checked in and waited in line.  They started loading us about 615 AM.  There was a lot of concern on the motorhome because it sits low but they got it on with very little problems.

At 7 AM, the horn sounded and away we went.

The Ferry:

Sun coming up over the mountains:

Going out of the dock:

The route from Valdez to Whittier is thru Prince William Sound - such a beautiful place.  This blog is some of the scenery along the way - Enjoy.

A cruise ship heading into Valdez:

When I see scenes like this, it takes my breath away! Almost looks like it is not real but, believe me, it is!  We are so blessed:

We had a good breakfast on the ship - this was our view:

The lounge at the front of the ship:

The lounge are the bottom windows, the top windows are the Captain's place:

We saw all these boats coming towards us - was it the welcome crew?  LOL!  Nope, just fishing charters going to their favorite place:

So many waterfalls:

Begich Towers - where many of the Whittier residents live:

The triangle building is the start of the Whittier tunnel.  South of that is where we will stay:

The abandoned Buckner Building in the background:

Begich Building:

Cruise ship in port:

Buildings along the water:

Ferry dock:

ME - Happy Camper - I did not get sick - YEA!!!

We docked and the workers did a great job in getting the motorhome off the ferry.  Andy parked while I checked out the campground - City of Whittier Campground, Head of the Bay.  We got a spot - YEA!  I directed Andy in, we set up and went exploring.  That will be in Part Two.

Miles Traveled: 96 Miles (94 on Sea)

Alaska: North Harbor Drive; Meals Avenue; Hazlett Avenue; Water - Prince William Sound; West Camp Road