
November 19, 2023 Part 2 Metal Sculptures at Rattlesnake Ranch

As we are driving down Dragoon Road, we suddenly see large metal sculptures in a field.  We turn around and head into the driveway to the house.

Now, I am fascinated and want to take pictures.   But I wanted to ask permission.  So I knocked at the door and Jerry Brewer, owner, answered.  We had a nice chat about his place.  He is a collector of sorts.  He liked the dinosaurs, his wife liked the Indians.  She, Dixie, passed from Alzheimer's in 2022 and he took care of her until the end.  I told him about my mom passing away from the same disease and we chatted for a while about it.

He wants people to enjoy and did not want any money.  (Near the exit, I did see a donation box so we did leave him something because he really made me smile!)

The metal sculptures were not made by him although he did design a few of them.  The artists are from the United States and Mexico.  Some were very detailed and others were whimsical.

What fun!   Here they are:

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (18)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (5)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (1)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (4)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (11)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (12)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (13)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (14)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (15)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (17)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (23)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (25)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (27)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (31)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (35)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (38)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (39)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (43)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (44)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (47)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (49)

2023-11-19 B Rattlesnake Ranch (50)

What a treasure to find!!

And what a wonderful day!


One of the questions I had asked in a previous blog is what is this building?

2023-11-10 B Cotton Mill (1)

It is used to store cotton bales – Thank you Sharon Cline.


Another question was about the doll houses in the Windmill Museum.

2023-11-10 A American Windmill Museum (172)

The dollhouses in the display were doll house size.  The houses by the train set were G-Scale.


Did you know that not all TV’s are RV Park Cable Ready?  We didn’t!  We have a newer TV that we added this summer in our RV Living Room.  Turns out that we would need a cable box of some sort to make it work on RV Park Cable.  In all the years of RVing and adding TVs, this never happened.  As I did more research, apparently some of the RV manufacturers are not aware of it either.    I found that out thru the Montana RV Forum.  Right now, Vizio is the main problem.  Some of their TV’s are good for RV’s and some are not.  (For using RV park cable only.) 

So for my RV friends, if you are buying a new TV for your RV and want to use it on RV park cable, be aware.


I have mentioned on previous blogs about my phone.  Well, still having problems and I may need to get another – Sheesh.  Battery lasts 2 hours with no activity! Have gone thru my apps and removed what I could.  Also restricted others.  No luck..  Any recommendations that won’t break the bank?


We will be here in Benson until Sunday when we head to Huachuca City and have some work done on the RV. 

Hopefully we can connect with some folks we have not seen in a while.

Until our next adventures, enjoy today.



Judy Rinehimer said...

Just an FYI, Since Sharon Cline was mentioned in this blog you may already know this, SKP Boomers Gloria and Frank King are also in the same park as Sharon. They are not in the SKP Saguaro Co-op park, but nearby at "CT RV Resort" (formerly known as Cochise Terrace RV Resort). Let me know if you need their specific contact info and lot numbers. I have stayed in the visitor RV sites near the gated entrance.
-- Judy Rinehimer

Diane said...

We were able to get together with them this past week. Always good to see old friends..