
July 7, 2014 Travel to Casper Wyoming

During the night, there was a party in the park, actually right outside our home, so we did not get much sleep.  I called Fort Casper Campground in Casper and they were able to take us – so off we went to Casper.

A Jackalope on the hill:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (4)

Our journey continues on the plains:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (9)

A dinosaur on the hill – Smile:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (17)

Oil wells all over:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (22)

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (24)

More snow fences – brrrrr!

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (30)

More scenes from along the road:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (32)

Can you imagine all the folks that traveled this way looking for a better life in the west?

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (34)

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (43)

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (51)

Casper – the oil capital of the Rockies:

07-07-14 A Travel Douglas to Casper I25 (53)a

Since we were early, we made a stop at Flying J for gas, Wal-Mart for supplies, and Sam’s Club for lunch.  From there we made our way to Fort Casper Campground where we will be for the next three days.  We spent the rest of the day doing some odd’s and end’s and enjoying the air conditioning!

An interesting thing happened to us this evening.  I have an 8 gig data plan with Verizon.  At 7:15 PM, I was notified that I had used 91% of my data plan (~ 7.2 gigs).  That was okay because it was to reset on 7/9/14.  Then 10 minutes later another notice – I am over.  Five minutes later I am over 11 gigs.  So in 15 minutes, there was a spike of almost 4 gigs used – I do not have any device that goes that fast.  Of course, we shut everything down and I called Verizon.  The only thing they could do for me was to up my data plan so I don’t have to pay a lot for this overage.  They could see the huge spike but could not tell me why.   Now, earlier in the day, I was on the campground WIFI.  I asked if my hotspot could have been compromised and that the campground was using my data plan.  Their answer was NO.  Okay then.  When I told them that even if I put my two computers and two phones on the internet, they are not that fast to use that much data in 15 minutes.  According to them, I did use it.  Okay then.  (In reality, I think that my hotspot was tapped!  So I changed the password and no more other jumps – hmmmmm.)  Not sure what happened but it was really scary.  I will be checking to see how I can set my hotspot to shut down if there is a spike again.

Tomorrow we start sightseeing so stay tuned and enjoy today.

Stats for today:

Miles Traveled: 54 Miles

Routes Traveled:

Wyoming: Grant Street; West Yellowstone Highway; I-25; Poplar Street; Collins Drive: Fort Casper Road




billandjanrvingtheusa.blogspot.com said...

I've had two jet packs in the last 2 years. They do go bad. The last time I was charged $140 for overages. I'm thinking of changing to Millicom when my contract is up.

Diane said...

Thanks Jan, Apparently this is not an unusual problem with Verizon. I am still not sure what I am going to do. Thanks.