
January 30th, 2024 thru February 14, 2024 Our time in Yuma

(I am behind again on the blog - Sorry!)

For the first week here, I did not feel well so I did not do much except rest and putter around the motorhome.  By the second week of February, I felt so so much better.  One of the ladies here in the park was also ill with the same and her doctor told here it was a new illness.  HA!  At least I have antibodies now..

My buddy during resting times:

Anyway, it is great to feel good again.  We were able to go to lunch with Barb and Larry at the Elks Lodge and get caught up.  We met them many years ago in the Casa Grande park it was nice to be able to sit and chat.  (Forgot to take a picture.)

Another day, I met two of my beading buddies for lunch at Da Boyz in downtown Yuma  It was so good to see them again and get caught up.

Phyllis, me, and Sandy:

One day, Andy and I took a trip to Los Algodones for more medicines and, of course, Margarita's and Garlic Shrimp at La Paraiso.  YUM!!

This is Leo who has been our bartender all the times we were here this year - What a great guy!:

This is Peta who has also been here with Leo.  She is very quiet but smiles a lot:

One of the many stores selling alcohol and medicine:

One of the many dentists here:

The border - notice the wall:

There is a lot of construction here along the wall and a number of new buildings on the Mexican side.  We did talk to someone who told us that the new buildings are for Mexican processing.  Right now, there is no truck crossing at this border.  It looks like they are getting ready to allow truck crossings but who knows.  At least it is still safe here.

Double wall on the American side:

As I have already posted, we transferred from Lot 77 to Lot 30 at the SKP Park - KOFA KO-OP.

This is the front of the lot.  There is a fence across the front although we did remove part of it.  We are along the back wall of the park.  On the other side of the wall is the storage area.

Andy in his favorite spot with our shed behind him:

Looking out the front of the lot - we face the boondocking area:

Our shed from the side:

Behind the shed - it does not look very big but there is a lot of room back there.  We hope to put some pavers down and make a little patio area.

The area behind the motorhome - we also hope to put pavers here too and maybe put up one of those pop-ups.  Behind the wall is empty and Andy would like to get a box trailer and make a workshop.

Looking inside the shed:

The shed is high and we have a lot of storage above:

This will be my craft area - YEA!:

There is a really nice workbench across from the door:

So for this season we are not doing much with it.  Next season we hope to have the inside painted and then set up our areas.  So stay tuned on that project!

Besides doing the normal cleaning, shopping, and laundry, I was able to get my hair cut.  We also visited the local Elks, Moose, and American Vets.  We did some meat draws and I went to a few thrift stores.  It has been fun.

There is cable in the park and we could not get it with the new TV.  Doing research I found out that they are making TVs without tuners - can you believe it??  So we bought a cable box (just like the old ones from years ago) and now have cable.  I am still blown away by this new piece of news.  So if you have old time cable fed directly to your TV and you cannot get it, try a cable box.

Sadly, a number of RV manufacturers are putting these TVs in RVs.  Many RV parks have cable for free or a small fee.   I communicated with one gentleman who has a large RV that came with 5 TVs (WOW!).  Anyway, three of the TVs work with cable and the other 2 do not.  (I should have kept my old cable box!)

I have talked about our internet reception (or lack thereof) in the past few months.  Last year in Yuma, we had good service and this year - almost nothing.  So I called FMCA and got a nice young man, Brad, to talk to about this.  (My previous calls, let's say were less than stellar for customer service.)  Well, turns out my router went bad..  He sent us a replacement router and we are back in business.   What is so sad to me is that this could have been replaced back in October when I made my first call (or November, the 2nd call or even December, the 3rd call.)   So if you have internet thru FMCA and it is not working well, make sure that you talk to Brad.

The next blog will be our time in Prison...  Stay tuned and enjoy today!.


firstep said...

Another trip down memory lane - thanks!

Mare said...

Glad you're feeling better, Diane. I missed the updates.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better!❤

Diane said...

Thanks for the concern - I am so glad I am feeling better too.

And it is good to get back and do some things. I had lots of things on my list but it will have to wait until next year!