
January 3, 2008 – Roswell

Our journey today took us to Roswell and the International UFO Museum and Research Center. The Museum was quite interesting with a lot of detail on the 1947 incident as well as other UFO sightings around the world. There was also a section on the US space travel and on our universe.

We could not go to the crash site because they did not have the exact location and it is also private property. I thought that Area 51 was here but I learned that it was in Nevada (silly me!). We also found out that if we decide to go to that area, we could be arrested and charged with a felony for trespassing on government property - Yikees! So I will just continue to read about it.

Here is the museum:
How about these street lights:

The local Wal-Mart and bus stop:

The rest of the day was spent doing wash, going to social hour and just relaxing.

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