
April 19th, 2024 - Rachel Nevada

We have heard so much about Area 51 and the "Back Gate" so we decided to check it out.  We were warned to not touch any signs nor cross the boundary because there could be fines and jail time - it is a military installation after all.

So away we went:

And here we are:

Yes, we took pictures - LOL!.  But I have to say that I was very disappointed.  I expected all kinds of signs and warnings, etc.  But no, we traveled along a dirt road, then a badly paved road and BOOM!, we saw the gates.

Now all those pictures from the internet make me wonder - WHERE DID THEY TAKE THEM?!

We do know from talking with the folks from Rachel.. if we touched anything or crossed that border we would have been detained.  So we were good.

Oh well, the scenery was AWESOME - to and from.

Saw this and had to stop - it is a Tumbleweed Farm - LOL!  (Not really.)

Look closely - all those tan bushes are tumbleweeds that got caught up in the other bushes.  Strong winds will keep them rolling.

More views on our way back:

Our next journey was to try to find the Old Tempiute Mine.  We found the directions on the internet and away we went.

Not a really good road:

When we came to the Y in the road, we decided to turn back.  Our creed is if we are traveling alone, we will only go as far as we can walk out, if there is an emergency.  At the Y, we were 1.5 miles from the main highway and 5.5 miles from Rachel.  Had we been traveling with another vehicle, we would have pushed on.

The pictures do not do this justice and show you the grandness of what we are experiencing.  If you enlarge this picture and see the highway that cuts thru the middle... the point where the highway disappears is 17 miles away.  WOW!  Now think about that!.   For those of you from my hometown who follow this, that is the mileage from my house to the Walmart in Hamburg. (So on a pretend mode, I get up one morning, see the Walmart in the distance and decide to go there.  And I can see it in the distance.  WOW!)

We made our way back to Rachel:

This wonderful marker was located at the gas station:

The gas station is a store, little market and gift shop and also has all these roadside attractions:

There are aliens in the car:

Inside the store we met Donna - what a great gal:

Another great alien:

We loved talking to Donna and finding out more things about the area and about the store.

Right across the highway is the rock splitting mill.  I could not find much information on it but it was cool to explore:

Now, this was interesting...not sure what it held but...

Here is what is here now....

Makes one wonder???

We made our way back to the park and I took a walk around to take pictures.  Here is our site.  Not much to write home about but it works:

Looks like they were trying to put two pieces of a flying saucer together:

Scenes around Little A Le Inn:

Time capsule place by the producers of "Independence Day":

Rachel's Fire Truck.  The story goes that there were a bunch of bikers that came thru - all were fire fighters.  They could not believe that they had no fire truck.  Well a few months later, a fire truck showed up.  Sadly since then, it has fallen into disrepair.

If you want to know about the inn or Rachel:

We did a few things around the RV and went to the Inn for Happy Hour and a wonderful Fish Fry.  We met a few more of the locals and had a great time.

We have had a wonderful time here in Rachel and the local folk we met made it that way.  We truly admire folks who can live so remotely.  Someone asked me once about living in the middle of nowhere and my response was "How far to a Walmart?" 

I did ask Judea and Mike how did they get their supplies.  Their answer: Amazon.  Amazing.  They also use Schwan's Foods.

When I talk about remoteness here, I really mean remote.  There is a small grocery store in Alamo - 46 miles away.  There is a small grocery story in Tonopah - over 100 miles away.  If you really need anything else, it is a trip to Las Vegas that is over 150 miles away.  Nope! Not for me.  (Now if it was 50 miles away, I might consider it - LOL!)

As much as I want to say that I can live "in the boonies", I know that I cannot.  Don't like cities either so I am this in between person...  Interesting!

Tomorrow we head to Tonopah so stay tuned and enjoy today.


Judy Rinehimer said...

Your creed to turn around makes sense! Good decisions. I'm with you that too much distance between me and "conveniences" is not where I want to be.

Diane said...

Thanks Judy! We decided to do that many years ago when we were exploring. And then after hearing about that couple a few years ago who went too far and died...well, that made our creed solid.
I think the remoteness is awesome and I truly admire those folks who can do it. At one time I thought I could but as I get older.... 50 miles from a Walmart is my max. Considering where I currently live - grocery stores are nearby but Sams Club is 30 miles and Costco is 50 miles. So that is my limit - LOL!