
June 8th, 2024 Part 3 of 3 - Lu-Lu Belle Tour of Prince William Sound - Sea Life

I love taking pictures of creatures - some are just too beautiful and some are funny and beautiful.


"HMMMM - More tourists!"

"I am SOOO Cute!:

Scratching my head - "Oh, that feels good.":

"We are watching you - except the guy in front.  He just sleeps all day."

"Leave me alone!"


"What is all that noise?"


Continuing to stretch:

Roll over:

"Hey!  Were you watching me this whole time?"


Dreaming away:

"Wake up - We have company!":

"Who are you?":

"This is my best side.":


"I LOVE the water.":

"Take my picture, please.":

"Singing my song.":

"Yes, I know.  I look just like my brother from the other beach - but I am the cuter one.":


Just hanging out on the ice:

"You again?":

"I love my baby!":

They all have such great expressions.

What a wonderful day!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

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