Saturday , 25th, was a rainy, windy day so we just hung out and watched the tide roll in and roll out – LOL!!!
In the evening, we went to the Pier One Theater with Larry and Cheryl to see “First Friday” presented by the local Homer theater group. It was about 2 sisters and their cousin set in 1938 New Orleans who made the required “nine First Fridays in a row” by attending Mass and being assured salvation. Many of the scenes took place on the cousin’s front porch where all the “gossip” took place. It was a great little play. (Pennie, if you are reading this – Abyssinia.) The author of the play was also there so that was neat!
Sunday, 26th, turned out to be a beautiful day. So we took a ride on Skyline Drive and out to the end of East End Road.
We got some great views of the Homer Spit – that is the piece of land in the middle of Kachemak Bay. This view is from the south side of the Spit
From the north side of the Spit:
A closer view – we are camped in the middle:
More views of Kachemak Bay – this is looking towards the south:

The north end of the bay:

Glaciers across the Bay:
At one of the lookouts:

And the fireweed that is just coloring the hills – Beautiful!! Not sure if I told you the story on this but the fireweed blooms from the bottom up. After blooming, it will go to seed from the bottom up. The theory is once the blooms are done on the top, it will be about 6 weeks until it is winter or once the seeding goes to the top, it will be two weeks until it snows. Hmmmm, maybe we will find out this year – LOL!!!

And from our campsite:
The neighbor near us was cleaning his fish and threw the scraps to the gulls and here they are yelling and squawking….

But it didn’t last too long until their food was stolen!
Here he comes:
Got it:
And away:

Check out this picture!:
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! What a treat!!!
And we had another great campfire night with Bruce, Sue, Diane, John, Larry, Cheryl, Bob, Jackie and our next door neighbors (forgot their names – sorry!!)