
June 7th, 2024 Part Two - Area around Valdez

 We continued our journey to an overlook on Thompson Pass:

What a beautiful place and the view..!

Thompson Pass sees 600 to 900 inches each year on average, and during some winters 100+ inches can fall each month for up to five consecutive months.  At times, the Pass can be closed for days until all the snow is cleared.

Blueberry Lake Campground is nearby and that was on my bucket list.  We took the road to the campground and boom - 4 feet of snow.  Had to back out - LOL.

We continued our way to the Worthington Glacier.

I wonder if this snow ever melts:

We made our way to the Worthington Glacier Turnoff and saw many cars parked there.  I talked to one couple coming down the road and asked about the visitor center and parking lot.  They told me that right around the bend, there is a few inches of snow on the road and the parking lot is covered plus the visitor center is closed.  The path to the glacier: - "Well there is no path and the snow is knee deep."  Well, that nixed that for today.

Heading back over the pass:

Copper colors in the snow???:

Our next stop was the site of Old Valdez that was destroyed in the 1964 earthquake:

This is where the site was:

We will be going to the Museum later this week to learn more about the quake.

Two other interesting information on the Gold Rush.  Hmm..we need to find the glacier:

We passed Dayville Road and decided to check out the other side of the bay:

In 2007 when we were here there were many bears after the salmon and it was a site to see.  Too early now but the views were still incredible:

We hope to be back later this week to tour the salmon hatchery.

Our final stop was the Valdez Glacier.  This glacier 100 years ago was near the port of Old Valdez.  Now it is a few miles away.

Icebergs coming off the glacier - hidden now.  

We slowly made our way back home:

Past many of the old snow piles around town:

What a wonderful busy day and so glad to see the sunshine and blue skies in Valdez.  We will continue our journey here until the end of the week so stay tuned and enjoy today.

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