
August 20, 2014 Our Last Day in Missoula and Links

Today was our last day in Missoula and we spent it doing laundry, cleaning, running some errands and packing up.

I normally would have just added this information to the previous blog but I wanted to share some links.

The theory of trophic cascade with the wolves of Yellowstone continues to fascinate me.

Here are two great videos on it:

This is a short video (thanks to my Aunt Loretta for sending me the link):  How Wolves Changed Rivers

This one is over 50 minutes so if you are on limited data, wait until you are Wi-Fi:

Wolves of Yellowstone - Long Version

This one is not about Yellowstone but worth sharing (thanks to our friend Bruce for sending us the link):

Vietnam POW Reunion

Tomorrow we are heading to Whitefish so stay tuned and enjoy today.


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