On Thursday, 22nd, we headed off early to Casa Grande. Andy went to the VA and I went shopping. Coming back to pick up Andy, I turned left and, lo and behold, all these sheep were being herded up the street – what a sight to see how the dogs and workers kept them together. When the light was red, they stopped them all and then when the light turned green, off they went across the boulevard. Incredible.
Waiting at the red light:
Time to go:
Light is red, oh oh, almost there:
Phew! Made it:

I met Andy at the VA – he had a vision appointment. He has been really impressed with the care and so am I! One less thing to worry about.
This afternoon, we picked up Bill and Shelly and went on a road trip – as Andy likes to say - “An Adventure”. We went thru Stanfield and stopped at one of the cotton fields:

There are many cotton fields in this area and a cotton mill near us. Right now it is harvest time so we see many of the bales being brought to the mill to take out the cotton seeds. I will try to get some pictures next week.
From there we went past one of the large feed lots and dairy farms. Bill really educated us on what everything was and how they usually operate – thanks, Bill. (Sorry, no pictures, didn’t know if the road was public or private so I did not want to stop.)
From there we went south thru part of the Tohono O’Odham Nation Lands, taking route 42, 422, 15. And the scenery was beautiful:
The road:
The Saguaros – LOTS of Saguaros:
More cotton fields – they were harvesting these fields but I could not get close enough to take a picture of the machinery:
Bill checking out one of the fields that was harvested:
Harvested Cotton – these bales are picked up and taken to the cotton mill – they are HUGE:
Right by the road – Yikees!:
More bones scattered – we saw a wild boar here but he was too fast to get a picture:
The road – now this was an adventure:
And we were blessed with this incredible scenery:
The cotton fields are in the background and those white things are the cotton bales:
Our group:
This picture is for our friend Bruce (Yep, still stopping in the middle of the road
Really neat Saguaros:

Indian Route 15 ends near Arizona City so we explored that area for a while. Arizona City was hit very hard during the housing downturn and they are selling homes there for a reasonable price. There are some really nice developments and many roads that are not finished. If I were ready to stop traveling, I might consider a place for a winter home. Overall a very nice area!
Our Moose Lodge is in Arizona City so we made a stop – it was happy hour, anyway – :-)))). And our last stop was at Chili’s for supper:

What a wonderful day!
On Friday, I woke up with a cold -
. Bummer! I did do some line dancing and showed Lynne and Fred some things in Picasa then just took it easy. Today, Andy woke up with a cold and I am not feeling the best. So after a run to town for medicines, we are just taking it easy. There are a number of festivities happening in the park today and tomorrow so hopefully we are up to it.
Blessings to all of you and a very Merry Christmas!