I have decided to do something a little different here. When I went to write the last blog (the one that covered over a week), I realized it was a little difficult to remember all the things we had done or seen or experienced. So I am going to try to update every day although I may only post when there are pictures.. So here goes.
Wednesday, 16th, we were both up early. One of the things we have noticed here is that at sunrise, there are lots of birds that fly south across the border and at sunset, they all fly back. Really different. The only thing we could figure out is that the area around the Colorado River and the All American Canal (on the US side) is very lush with trees and almost like a wetland area. So maybe this is where they nest and then go further south to feed – ????
We met with the dentist and Andy’s bottom teeth are now finished – :-))) but we still have 2 more appointments for final fittings – Friday and Saturday. Andy looks good but is sore.
While across the border, I also got a haircut – same saloon as last February. And they did a great job. There were quite a few locals in the saloon telling stories in Spanish. And what surprised me is that I was able to pick up a few words. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school – SOOO long ago – LOL. Andy and I have decided if we spent a lot of time here, we may end up getting some tapes to learn more.
Since it was a short day at the dentist, we were home early and then took off to check out one of the RV shows going on in Yuma. We are trying to decide if we are going to upgrade – either by getting another RV or redoing the inside. After going thru a number of them, we have decided to redo!!! I think we are pulling out the couch and replacing it with two easy chairs as well as changing the dinette area. (Plus updating the carpet, window treatments, etc.) So it was good to see some other ideas. We will probably not start any of the work until the summer (unless we can get a good deal before then).
Thursday, 17th, our first stop was the local furniture store that carries RV furniture – just to get some ideas and some measurements. We then spent the rest of the morning at the Yuma Marketplace. I really enjoy walking thru all the rows of “stuff”. We also found out that a number of items are cheaper here than in Los Algodones, Mexico. So what did we buy…a purse (red, of course), a hat, and a drain cleaner – as seen on TV – LOL!!! Plus I was able to check out one of the necklaces I am trying to make…now the next step is to make it.
From there, we went to Petsmart. Petsmart in AZ (not sure about the other states) works with the local animal agencies and has dogs/cats for adoption. Yes, I am starting to look. I really miss Elliot but I also miss having a pet. I am still not sure I am ready but I thought I would start looking. And, yes, we have decided we would get a rescue. (And I am still working on Andy on getting 2 – LOL!)
Our last stop for the afternoon was the Main Street Cinema in Yuma where we saw “The Blind Side” – a great movie about Michael Oher. If you get a chance, go see it.
As you know we are very close to the Mexican border and it is not usual to see helicopters flying low or the border patrol vehicles going past or seeing the mobile lookout tower on the mountain or seeing the border patrol stop the school buses in the campground or even hear the flares going off. But tonight the flares were going off on the mountain on the other side of the campground. They were LOUD!!
Friday, 18th, found us back over the border for the dentist. Tomorrow we return for the final. I don’t know if I mentioned in an earlier blog but they have changed/upgraded the border crossing back into the US. Well, today, they had the local Yuma news stations there and we were interviewed by KSWT – 13. And they had that interview on TV – 6 PM news – hey we are celebrities….
Here is the link to the interview: http://www.kswt.com/global/story.asp?s=11702729
Since it was a short appointment we headed off to find the old abandoned gold mining town of Tumco. I just love walking thru these towns and imagining what it was like. Last season we tried to find it but could not but now I had better directions so we found it.
This area has a history spanning over 300 years with several periods of boom and bust. Gold was first discovered in the 1600’s by Spanish colonists as they moved northward from Sonora, Mexico. After the Southern Pacific Railroad came thru in 1877, a gold rush began. Over the next few decades, the gold mining was up and down but ultimately over 200,000 ounces of gold was taken from the mines in this area.
There was a 1.5 mile interpretative trail thru the town. This is the trail:
West Neighborhood Area:
The Hospital:
The cyanide vats that dissolved and separated the gold from the ore.

Cyanide Tailing Flows:
“Tailings are all that remain after the gold has been removed. This residue was piled in a heap, one shovelful at a time. The surface would harden and the heap grew. Periodically the strong desert storms would cause a crack in these heaps and they would collapse sliding into the desert covering everything in their path. The company built walls to divert these floods from the school and residential areas. Sometimes it worked and other times it did not.” This is a view of different layers of tailing flows:

More views of the area (check out those skies):

And the winds started picking up the tailings:
From there we took a few of the dirt roads around the area. This is BLM lands that allow camping – and there are some nice areas. (For our memory banks – :-))
Back home, we just relaxed. Here is our site (yes, those are a little decorations for Christmas – :-)))

Today, Saturday, 19th, was our last trip to the dentist – Andy looks great. Dr. Roberto was wonderful during this whole experience. For those who are interested, here is his web page: http://smileshoppedental.com
We highly recommend him.
We spent the rest of the day grocery shopping and doing odd’s and end’s since this is our last day here.
Oh yes, here is the link to the video that was on the news yesterday:
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.kswt.com/global/video/videoplayer.js?rnd=627375;hostDomain=www.kswt.com;playerWidth=400;playerHeight=340;isShowIcon=true;clipId=4399677;flvUri=;partnerclipid=;adTag=null;enableAds=false;landingPage=null;islandingPageoverride=false;playerType=POPUP_EMBEDDEDscript'></script>
Diane and Andy on TV - the Video
Tomorrow we are heading to Casa Grande so stay tuned – :-)