May 20, 2008 - More Rain!
The library did not have WiFi but we were told we might be able to get it in one of the corners and we did! So that is where I am uploading.
We will be doing some shopping this afternoon and heading back up the mountain. Hopefully it will not be as foggy as it was this morning. (Visibility must have been about 50' so we took it VERY SLOW.)
We will be here until after Memorial Day. I will not be doing Wifi again until after we leave (unless we have to come down the mountain again). So that also means checking email, etc.
Until then!
May 19, 2008 – Sunshine and Skyline Drive
No hikes for today – I hurt my foot yesterday and want to make sure it is okay before we hit the trails again. Instead we put up our screen tent (mostly to see if we could do it easily). When I have a chance I will post a picture.
In the three years that we have been coming here, we explored Skyline Drive from Big Meadows to Thornton Gap. So today we decided to go the other way (from Big Meadows to Loft Mountain). And there were some incredible views:

Back at camp, we did get a chance to talk with the campground host and learn the type of duties they do. (Something for Andy and I to consider.)
And of course another campfire evening!
May 18, 2008 – More Hiking and More Rain
Some pictures of the trail:

It is so nice not to have to pack and leave!
The rain started ~ noon so we headed to the visitor center for the ranger talk about bears in the park by Ranger Debbie. (Did I mention I just love these talks???)
We did get a chance to talk with Ranger Bob about other upcoming programs and made reservations for a trip to Rapidan Camp (Herbert Hoover’s Summer House) for Saturday morning. Last year we hiked to the camp but could not get into any of the buildings. With the Ranger trip, we will get to see the inside. Stay tuned.
We also inquired about the library in Luray (yes they have WiFi) and grocery stores, etc. We will be making a trip there later this week.
Back at camp, we were finally able to connect with family and friends to get caught up on what is happening back home (thanks!).
The rain finally stopped but it stayed cold so no campfire tonight - :-)
May 17, 2008 – Sunshine and Hiking

We tried to find the ruins of an old community school that was marked on the GPS but it was hidden from us - :-(. So we decided to head back. Today’s walk – 7.75 miles – really not bad for 2 old folks!
The afternoon was spent just relaxing and me, organizing (I am still not sure where I want everything.) (I know my friends will get a kick out of that – “A!!!") We have been on the road almost 2 weeks and hopefully, I will soon be done moving everything!
It has really been bothering me living without cell phone service so we drove around trying to find a place to call out. What is funny is that we also have a Tracfone that we did not turn on. Well, it works, here in the motorhome. The Verizon phone is still not working so I am not sure what is happening with it.
We found this incredible view at Fishers Gap Overlook (while we were looking for cell phone service):

May 16, 2008 – Great Ranger Programs
So this morning, we put shelves in one of our closets – the small one that cannot fit any more than 5 hangers. Having the shelves gives me more storage space for folded clothes.
This afternoon, we went to the Byrd Visitor Center for the Ranger’s choice talk. Today was Ranger Bob’s turn and his talk was “Photography in the Park”. He had some great pictures and some really great suggestions for pictures. What a wonderful program.
From there, we headed to Skyland Conference Center for another ranger program – A Tour of Massanutten Lodge.
We stopped at one of the overlooks for some incredible pictures of the fog and the valley below:

Addie Hunter was purchased a parcel and spared no expense on the cottage – Massanutten Lodge – so named because of the view of the Massanutten Mountains and the valley below. What was different about her is that she was a very wealthy divorced woman in a time when divorced women did not fare well.
Within a year after the cabin was completed, she married George Pollack and became very active in the running of the resort. She was the first one to have a radio and a car here. She was also the only female member of the committee that lobbied the White House in 1925 for authorization of Shenandoah National Park.
The lodge itself is beautiful:

Another one of the original cabins:

On our way home, we saw a black bear and two cubs in the woods – sorry no pictures – they were on the move.
This evening the fog finally cleared but it is cold. Tomorrow promises to be sunny and we are so looking forward to doing some hiking. Hopefully we will have a lot more sunny days to come.
May 15, 2008 - Travel to Shenandoah National Park
When we went to register, Ranger Hazel looked at me and said “You were here last year at this time”. It was really nice to be remembered. So we had a little chat and then went to our site:

So after the normal setup, I left Andy to set up his antennas and radios and walked to the visitor’s center (1 mile away) to get information on the trails and the programs available over the next week. Last year, the visitor center was in the middle of construction. It is finished now and quite beautiful. They dedicated it to the 10,000 men who worked in the CCC in the 1930’s:

And a little further down the path, there were two young bucks:

We just love this park and hopefully someday we will do volunteer work and spend the summer. For those of you that follow the blog, when we came here last year we were interviewed by a reporter doing a story on the park for “Route 66 Magazine” – an RV dealer magazine. Here is a link to the article (we even had our picture in it!):
http://dealers.route66rv.com/Portals/152/Current%20Article/Archive%20Articles/Vol3N3_Shenandoah.pdf If the link doesn’t work, just Google “Diane Hitzel Route 66”.
One of the things I also did today was walk around the campground and up to the lodge to find cell phone service – none, so we will be out of touch again. We do get bars but we seem to be on the fringe of the service. So I will be looking for an amplifier and antennae next. Anyone have any suggestions, please email me.
We were able to cook supper with the campfire and just as we were getting ready to spend the rest of the evening at the fire, it began to rain (and stayed raining all night)!
Miles Traveled: 75 miles
Routes Traveled:
VA: US 55, US 340, US 33
May 14, 2008 – Reset Day
Even though the campground is nice, we are still crammed in. Our neighbors are about 10’ away from us on both sides. (No wonder we like the national and state parks.)
So today was laundry, grocery shopping, etc. before our trip to Shenandoah National Park.
We do have WiFi, cell phone service and TV right now, so we are also getting caught up with messages, phone calls, emails, the news, etc.
Until tomorrow.
May 13, 2008 – Sunshine!!
We spent our day walking around the campground and picnic areas and talking with the other campers.
And just sitting in the sun. Even Elliot wanted out to lie in the sun!!!

And we really enjoyed another campfire tonight!!!
May 12, 2008 - Rain, Library, and Update
Since it is still raining, we are currently at the library doing our updates, email, etc.
On the way here, we pass by Passage Creek and it is roaring. Maybe I will have some pictures for you tomorrow.
Until then! :-)
May 11, 2008 – Buzzard Overlook
Some views:

Today may be our last day here. We are moving to a full service campground for a reset (charge batteries, empty tanks, refill other tanks, maybe even watch TV and have WIFI). And the rain came in mid-afternoon and continued!!
May 10, 2008 – May Fest and Camp Roosevelt
A picture:
Does it look familiar? In all the travels we have done, it is comforting to see how much all towns are alike. I could have been walking at Pottsville’s May Day with the sounds, the items for sale, and the aroma of good food (MMMMMM!!!). The only difference is seeing people I know vs. people I do not – but the smiles are the same.
From there, we made a stop at the local Wal-Mart and traveled to Camp Roosevelt.
This picture is of the Shenandoah Valley – notice the clouds around the mountain tops: Camp Roosevelt was still not open but we parked the Tracker and walked in. This camp was the first Civilian Conservation Corp camp in the US and the first inductee to the CCC, Henry Rich, worked here. There are still some of the foundations visible throughout the park.

And another foundation:

The rest of the day was spent relaxing:

May 9, 2008 – Rainy Day
Our next stop was a tour of the Route 11 Chip factory. Chips, all flavors, mmmm, need I say more!
We then went to historic Winchester.
Some pictures:

The rain finally stopped and the sun came out around suppertime so we had another great campfire.