
March 24 – 27, 2011 Summerdale, Alabama Part 2

We have a had a wonderful time here in Summerdale, visiting with old friends, making new friends, seeing the sites, and just plain enjoying ourselves.

Here is our site:

03-23-11 SKP Plantation 002

The sites here are HUGE!  With some beautiful trees all around.   And the flowers are blooming:

03-23-11 SKP Plantation 012 

03-23-11 SKP Plantation 008

03-23-11 SKP Plantation 010

On Thursday, 24th, Tom, Karen, Andy, and I went to see the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola, Florida – fascinating!:

 03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 069 

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 012a

Karen and I:

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 017

Tom and Andy are by the nose of this airplane – it was HUGH:

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 020

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 025a

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 026a

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 035   

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 064

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 067a 

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 050a

03-24-11 Naval Air Museum in Pensacola FL 053a

The two photos above are from the various displays at the museum. 

I am so glad there are places like this for the general public. 

Sometimes I think we forget the prices our service men and women pay for our freedom here at home and places like this help us remember that our freedom isn’t free.

Saturday was my birthday so Andy arranged with Tom and Karen to bring over a cake on Friday night – what a nice surprise.   We enjoyed it that night and the rest on Saturday.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes.  I went to the local flea market in the morning, then to Elberta to their sausage festival – I just love these small town festivals – reminds me of home.   And then Karen and Tom spent the evening with us…   Good shopping, good food, good friends – what a great day!

On Saturday morning before we left, Andy heard something hit our awning.  When he checked, he found a baby dove on the ground.  We did not know if it was dead or alive or if it was just learning to fly so we left it there.   When we came back, it had moved so Andy put crates by it.   And for the next two days, we watched as its parents guarded it, feed it, and tried to get it to fly.   Here are the pictures of mom and baby.


03-27-11 SKP Plantation Bird 003a

03-27-11 SKP Plantation Bird 002

When we left on Monday, our neighbors were going to keep an eye on it.  Hopefully it will be able to fly soon.

The weather here has been hot and humid so we have decided to head north instead of going to Florida so stay tuned.

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